With no interest in censorship, Raimi elected to make The Evil Dead as violent and gruesome as possible. Following the, in our opinion, unnecessary woods scene with Cheryl (you know the one, about 25 minutes in) the film does not let up, providing viewers with violent scare after violent scare. It surrounds and engulfs its victims mercilessly. The evil isn’t hiding around a corner to jump out and scare you the evil is in the woods and at the same time the woods themselves. The Evil Dead is not the steady, slow-build that horror audiences see in most of the genre. The laughter is truly one of those sounds you will never forget. However, we would be remiss to not mention the stand-out performance of Baker, who’s maddening giggles following Linda’s possession just have a way of sticking with you. Ellen Sandweiss (Cheryl Williams), Richard DeManincor (Scott), Betsy Baker (Linda), and Theresa Tilly (Shelly) all deliver believable and gripping performances as their characters. Ash is a different type of character that we don’t see a ton in the genre rather than a final girl, we have a final boy. The cast as a whole delivers, with Campbell’s portrayal of Ash Williams instantly becoming a classic in the horror genre. It may have been low-budget, but through innovative visual storytelling Raimi truly establishes his one-of-a-kind style. The Evil Dead is the pinnacle of cabin in the woods movies, truly setting the bar for how terrifying the woods and isolation can be. While the film was not wildly successful initially, it has become a monolith in the horror genre. Through family, friends, and investors Raimi was able to finance production to film The Evil Dead, which launched his career that now spans over five decades. At the time, director Sam Raimi had just left Michigan State University after three semesters to seriously pursue a career in film with his close friends and colleagues, Bruce Campbell and Robert Tapert.